Crash Course: John Green

Sophomores are understanding World History a little better this year with the help of Crash Course: World History, a web series on YouTube by best-selling author John Green. With topics like Ancient Egypt and Imperialism, students get another way to learn about history.

“Having the teacher talking the whole time tends to get boring,” sophomore Elise Wilson said. “The videos add variety and excitement. I don’t tend to zone out as much when watching the videos.”

Crash Course has also been shown to improve grades while also entertaining. When the material seems confusing, Crash Course can help explain the subject in a different way than the teacher or books.

“I like the videos,” sophomore Priscilla Yim said.” Whenever I don’t understand something, I watch Crash Course and I get it more clearly.”

Sophomores can see an increase in their grades after watching Crash Course. With less napping and daydreaming, students can get more information and be better prepared for tests.

“I think everyone should watch them,” Wilson said. “They would help everyone understand World History better if they just paid attention and that isn’t hard to do.”

Crash Course has videos in other subjects like Biology, Ecology, and U.S. History. Crash Course can be found on the Crash Course YouTube channel. (