Lives on the line
Deaths from ‘swine flu’ on the rise in United States
According to Medline Plus, symptoms of swine flu in people are similar to the symptoms of regular human flu and include fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue.
The H1N1 virus, more commonly known as “swine flu,” has hit the country once again after its initial appearance in 2009, which took the lives of approximately 10,000 people. This flu season, the H1N1 virus seems to have a more severe impact on young people, according to the Washington Post.
Late last year in California, 243 people under the age of 65 died from the disease. North Carolina has also been hit with the virus, and is on track to set a record for flu-related death, recording 64 as of last week. Over 22,000 samples have tested positive for the virus, according to data gathered by the Centers for Disease Control.
“The samples only represent a fraction of the infected population,” CDC spokesperson Jason McDonald said. “The number of people with the virus is much higher.”
On Feb. 20, the CDC issued an urgent call for flu shots, especially for those between the ages of 18 through 65, warning that this year’s flu season was going to be particularly deadly. According to, getting a flu shot is the most important thing to do in order to prevent getting ill.
“I got the flu shot but I still ended up with swine flu,” senior James Yoder said. “Thankfully, it didn’t affect me as drastically as others and felt only like a head cold.”