Final spring football game

Carolyn Stocki / Legacy Media

Tigers hold up their helmets after they put there all into the game.

It’s that time of year again, the pads are out, helmets are on, and the sounds of crashing bodies can be heard from the practice fields. Football season is back.

The final spring football game is scheduled for 5/22 at home. Come support the spring team in their last game at home. Admission is free.

Spring football gives players the opportunity to re-learn the basics of football. This helps players prepare for the next year’s season.

“Spring ball has taught me to pay attention to the little details in my position,” sophomore Diego Gomez said. “In my position, each step is important. Where my feet are, how low I am and when I throw my hands. When I learned to respect these details, it put me on a higher level of playing.”

With the main focus of Spring ball being to make players better, Gomez and sophomore Cooper Williams have made success their main priority. Since freshman year, they have been working their way toward a gold varsity helmet, and this year they have earned it.

“Ever since the end of freshman football when we took a step up and became Junior Varsity players, my goal was to become a Varsity player; to get a gold hat,” Williams said. “My first year, I was trying to do my best to get the coach’s attention, and I did. This spring football, I was just trying to be the best I could be, so when I received my gold helmet, I knew my hard work had finally paid off.”