Tigers change their stripes
Students adapt to the new changes
Hanna Enkelmann / Legacy Media
Several students observed changes this year, such as the speed bumps in the parking lot.
As students returned for the 2014-2015 school year, they found that the Klein Collins they knew from previous years had faced a few alterations, including speed bumps, Tiger Den and healthier food.
As one of the many changes, speed bumps were installed in the parking lot over the summer in an attempt to control the incoming and outcoming traffic. Associate Principal Steve Matheson said the speed bumps were installed for the students’ benefit.
“We installed the speed bumps because driving in the parking lot became erratic,” Matheson said. “We needed to slow down the traffic for the students’ safety.”
However, as noted on the daily morning announcements, a problem arose with drivers avoiding the speed bumps. Senior Kristin Crouch appreciated the idea behind them, but feels they worsened traffic problems.
“They just became a hassle,” Crouch said. “They seem to cause even more congestion in the parking lot. Yes, it makes it slightly safer, but it just holds everything up.”
One change Crouch does not mind, however, is the addition of Tiger Den.
“I think that overall, it will be beneficial as an enrichment period,” she said. “It allows for students in classes that need more attention to be able to improve in that subject.”
Students taking rigorous courses can be placed with those teachers for the extra block of time. For those who need the extra time to review and study, it serves a dual purpose.
“I love Tiger Den,” Latin teacher Kyle Drugan said. “It gives me the opportunity to really work with the students that need that extra time.”
Another decision that received mixed feedback are the changes with the food available on campus. While the Chick-fil-a sandwich stands have notably gone missing for health reasons, the food in the lunch lines have also gone through significant changes.
“The food changes were the ones that affected me the most,” junior Sydney Miranda said. “I don’t like the food as much now, and I hope that they don’t change the food too much when we hit the holidays.”
Though the students had mixed reactions to the changes, Miranda is optimistic for the future.
“I mean, no one likes change,” she said. “It’s just a matter of adapting.”