Hoping to crush Crusader Classic
Latin team to compete for first time
In preparation for the regional competition in February, four Latin students will head to Austin Oct. 24 to compete in the Crusader Classic certamen tournament. This will be the first time the team has attended.
Certamen, which means ‘competition’ in Latin, consists of two teams of four facing off against each other by using buzzers to answer questions about Latin related topics, such as grammar, Roman history and Greek mythology.
“It’s very competitive, but it’s fun for the students and that’s what it’s about,” Latin teacher Kyle Drugan said. “The kids [who compete] are some of the smartest in the nation. My goal is just for each member of our team to answer a question correctly and have a good time.”
The students attending this year are Christine Palma, Iain Mackenzie, Amy Moynihan and Peyton Pritchard. According to Drugan, speed is very important to doing well. Students must buzz in quickly to beat their opponents, often before the question has finished being posed.
“I’m hoping that this competition will help me learn to be faster for the regional competition in February,” Palma said. “My goal is to have more confidence in myself in answering questions and not being afraid that they’re wrong.”
In order to prepare, students are practicing on buzzer systems and studying materials specific to their specializations of knowledge within the team.
“I feel prepared,” Mackenzie said. “We definitely have one of the strongest teams, with really fast and intelligent people. My goal is win, and if not, to do well.”