Bill passes concerning Advanced Placement scores
All public colleges in Texas must now give college credit to students that receive a three or higher on an Advanced Placement test according to House Bill 1992, signed by Governor Greg Abbott this summer. This ruling applies to students entering college in fall 2016.
“I think the change will encourage more students to take AP,” AP art teacher Michael Hall said. “If students passed the class and test, they should get college credit.”
In the past, colleges including the University of Texas, allowed each department to decide what to take for credit. At the University of Texas for example, students must make a five on the test for Chinese language to receive credit while students only need a two on the test in German language.
“I don’t like setting the standard lower,” senior Juliann Johnson said. “If someone got a three, they probably didn’t read the chapters in their book and shouldn’t be rewarded. Why would I study to get a five if a three will get me the same credit?”
Accepting AP scores of three and higher saves students $160 million according to John Zerwas, state representative and author of the bill.
“I think if we are trying to promote kids to go to college then helping them out is good,” assistant principal Stacy Kindsfather said. “Many times students don’t go to college because of financial issues.”
Originally Zerwas stated in the bill that all scores of three or higher had to be accepted, but universities such as UT at Austin, worry student who wants to major in a specific area will not be prepared to take advanced courses if he or she makes a score of three on the test.
“It’s great that the policy changed,” senior Sneha Sannabhadti said. “I got a three last year and I was bummed that it wouldn’t be accepted. I would have had to take it over again in college so the change saves me money.”