Personality Types: INFJ


Benedict Cumberbatch has the INFJ personality type.

Stephanee Hartfield, Staffer

The INFJ personality type is one out of the 13 different types in the MBTI (Myers Briggs Type Indicator). INFJ’S are one of the rarest and most complex personalities in the world, taking up less than 1 percent of the population. 


The MBTI stands for the Myers Briggs Type Indicator, which is a questionnaire made by Katherine Brooks MYERS and her daughter Isabel BRIGGS Myers. The questionnaire provides statements based on how one would perceive the world around them. 

The questionnaire will then give you a personality type based on (I)Introversion/(E)Extroversion, (S)Sensing/(N)Intuition, (T)Thinking/(F)Feeling and (J)Judging/(P)Perceiving. One letter from each category will make up your personality type consisting of your Dominant Function, Secondary Function, Tertiary Function and Final Function.


Favorite World (I)

The first letter of the INFJ personality is I which stands for Introversion. Although they frequently get mistaken for an extrovert, INFJs can find crowded social events draining and prefer to be alone to recharge after social events or everyday activities involving people.

Information (N)

The secondary function of an INFJ is N, which stands for Intuition. This means that when taking in information or when casually communicating, INFJ’s try their best to understand both the upfront and underlying meaning of someone’s words, which is part of what makes them excellent communicators.

Decision Making (F)

The tertiary function of an INFJ is Feeling, which means that when it comes to decision making, an INFJ is going to make their choice based on the feelings of themselves and the people around them. INFJ’s are more likely to make decisions based on how their decision will affect others. 

Outer World (J)

The final function of an INFJ is J for Judging. This means that when it comes to their daily lifestyle, INFJ’s prefer organization and for their lives to be planned. This trait is not to be confused with being judgemental towards people or situations.


Contradictory Habits of  INFJ 

Deep connections VS Individuality

INFJ’s want long-lasting deep connections with people but they are also incredibly free-spirited. Even though they want to connect to others on almost a spiritual level, they take their individuality very seriously.

Order VS Freedom

INFJ’S like freedom and control over their actions. They want to be able to have a fun time and let loose but all need some sort of planning in their lives as well.

Rationality VS Emotion

INFJ’S are highly emotional people but can also think rationally when the time comes. They are great when it comes to creativity and if someone needs help with arguments or projects. 

Great Communicators VS Need To Be Alone

INFJ’s are great communicators, they love to socialize with others and watch people while also dissecting their behavior. Despite an INFJ’S fascination with people, they can also find social settings draining and crave to be alone where they can be comfortable and recharge.

Understanding People VS Confusing Themselves

INFJ’s are perfect when it comes to helping other people to understand their problems and solve issues but can’t fully understand their own emotions and often get confused by them.

Openness VS Security

INFJ’s desire deep connections with people and want someone they care about to open up and trust them. Usually, they find it hard to reciprocate and tell all their secrets for a long time. 



INFJ’s can be one of the most complex personalities to understand with their contradictory habits and need for security. This can make them seem unapproachable. When someone gets to know an INFJ, they will notice that they are not as intimidating as they seem and understanding their personality will become easier through time.