Intro To DC English

Who took the picture Picture taken by Emilia A.
May 6, 2022
High school is filled with different classes created for students at different knowledge levels. The biggest variety comes in core classes where students have a chance to take Dual Credit, Advanced, and Pre-AP classes to get ahead of the game or gain college credits.
For many high schoolers, the first time they hear about Dual Credit English is the end of their tenth grade year. To get a feel for the class, sophomores will turn to their upperclassmen and their counselors for information.
“I heard that Mr. Delgado was a good teacher and that his class was really fun, he also already had a program so I just went ahead and signed up,” senior Christina Reisinger said.
Expectation VS. Reality
After asking around students will quickly learn that one of the recurring themes for the course is its complexity.
“I expected it to be harder but it ended up not being as much as I thought. I thought I would be writing five essays every week but the class has been pretty chill lately,” junior Caleb Brown said.
Another common factor that leads to students going against joining DC English is the rumored amount of course work.
“The workload isn’t overwhelming me in the way I expected it to. I definitely had to put my best foot forward in completing the work but it’s definitely one of the easier classes I have this year,” junior Oscar Vela said.
Grading and Curriculum
The grading criteria is also a big reason for second-guessing the course. Students are scared that their teacher will assign work impossible to pass. Juniors and Seniors who have taken DC, Pre-AP classes have expressed a different opinion.
“Mrs. Daniel’s grading style is definitely something that I’m accustomed to since I took Pre-AP English. Her grading style is different, as every teacher’s grading style differs, but it’s not something that’s going to be a rude awakening even if you haven’t taken advanced English before,” said Vela. All the interviewees further proved the ease of the course by bragging about their grades in DC English being upwards of a 90.
“I feel pretty great about my grade, I think it’s a 95 right now so that’s cool,” junior Mark Robertson said.
One of the hardest aspects for students interested in DC English is the level of independence needed to excel in the course. A crucial part of the course relies on the student’s ability to read and write by themselves.
“Writing is the primary focus of English III Dual Credit but I also stress the importance of independent reading, reading based on student choice. I want my classes to build important skills needed in the classroom and beyond,” said DC English teacher Mrs. Daniels.
Advice for Future Students
DC English isn’t a blow off class but it’s also not as hard as some students make it out to be. The correct preparation and mindset can make the biggest difference when it comes to grading.
“ I say do not worry, just take the class and get that college credit. Things may be hard but you’ll figure it out,” says Junior Mark Robertson
It’s also important to know that English teachers are not out to annihilate their students. While the workload can be overwhelming, their main goal is to prepare their high schoolers.
“The class isn’t difficult, it’s just important to be open to learning, to various writing styles and modes, and to be prepared to work on harder assignments. I also stress the need for students to read, read, read to build reading stamina that will in turn help with upcoming tests ACT, SAT, ect,” Daniels said.
The bottom line is just to try it out. Preparation, an open-mind, and determination are the only things needed to pass an advanced class. In the event things don’t work out, Klein Collins always allows students the opportunity to change their schedules if they are experiencing difficulties.