Carpe Diem

Latin club seizes the day but loses the medal after mix-up


Legacy Media

After spending their day at the tournament, the Latin Club placed second because of a point miscalculation.

After spending weeks studying and preparing, the Latin Club attended a tournament on Feb. 15, winning a total of 233 points in team and individual events. While this was 20 points more than the next highest scoring team, 44 of their points were lost because of miscounting and they received second place.

“There was so much happening as we were leaving that I didn’t even realize the mistakes until we were on the bus home,” Latin teacher Kyle Drugan said. “I was recounting all of our points and I realized that 44 points had been totally forgotten.”

The points that had not been counted came from Addison Reginnitter’s T-shirt design, Natalie’s Reginnitter’s oil/acrylic painting, Fedencio Enrique Dapretta’s Latin mottos test, and Gordan Chow’s Roman history test.

Inforgraphic by Svannah Nguyen

“All my students did amazingly well and I’m very proud,” Drugan said. “I’m just disappointed that they didn’t get the recognition they deserved for winning first place, because they all worked extremely hard and were up against extremely good teams from all over Houston.”

All 22 students on the team won points in categories such as art, athletics and academics. When asked if they had anyone to thank, junior Richard Robbins and freshman Heather Ren said that their overwhelming success could not have been achieved had it not been for their coach and teacher.

“We all owe Mr. Drugan a lot of gratitude, because he put in so much time and effort into the very, very extensive study guides and giving us all that we needed to succeed,” Ren said. “He deserves a lot of credit.”