Swiftie Sessions Are Now in Session

Troi Bland

Klein Collins Swiftie Sessions group.

Troi Bland, Staff Reporter

    On Feb. 22, a new club at Klein Collins sparked the interest of many students. Swiftie Sessions, a club for Taylor Swift lovers, already has over 30 members. It’s welcoming for all communities such as the LGBTQ+ community, and it’s an easy way to make friends who have the same interest.

   “I was trying to meet the people that love Taylor Swift as much as I do. Honestly, I cannot wait for the meetings. I’m always counting down the minutes every day. I’m so excited to go every time,” Grayson Crafts said.

  The club analyzes Swift’s music videos/ lyrics, researches interesting facts about her, plays Kahoot/trivia, and even has mini food parties. As of now, the club is making T-shirts for members. The head leaders, Mynia Banks, and Savannah Hopson started the club as a joke and made it into a reality. 

  “It’s so refreshing to see so many people join this club and just be themselves. We didn’t think anyone was going to show up, but I was shocked when the library was full of people. I was nervous because I didn’t know how to present this club and make it interesting so that people will come again. But every meeting is super fun and now I’m used to it. I’m so glad everything came together,” Mynia Banks said.

 The two club leaders make the club interesting and fun with their bubbly personalities and friendly gestures/manners. Students opened freely about their love for Taylor Swift, and it is a great experience for them to socialize about things they’re passionate about. 

 “I started liking Taylor Swift when I was, of course, very young. She has been around since I was a child, and I mainly listen to the more countryside of her music. Me and my mom, we always listen to country music, and it’s grown with me ever since,” Madison Fangman said.

  Taylor’s discography ranges from pop to country to rock and her lyrics consist of her personal life and rivalries between her exes and other celebrities. The members got into a group based on their favorite Taylor Swift album and introduced themselves.

 “I love Taylor because she’s down to earth and I think she’s really funny. And she’s just a sweet person. And her mind is so big, and I really appreciate that. And that she makes me learn new words every time she puts out a new song. She improves my vocabulary basically,” Savannah Hopson said. 

 Sponsor, Chelsea Baldree was thrilled when the leaders introduced the club to her.

 “I was thrilled to be asked to sponsor Swiftie Sessions because I truly do love all of her more recent albums and have watched her documentaries and live concerts. I’m glad that so many students are fans of hers and want to spend time listening to and learning more about her music. She is definitely THE music icon of our generation,” Chelsea Baldree said. 

 The effect Taylor has on our generation is an absolute blessing to see. She’s an incredible role model for young girls and takes the time to educate her fans about issues. The club took a group picture that will be featured in the school yearbook, and many expressed that the club was the most exciting thing they’ve done all year. It’s a free place where no one will be judged.