Art All Over

Kristen Conklin

By embracing art in all forms, people can improve their creativity, wellbeing and ability to express themselves.

Staff Editorial

The average person is unsuspecting of the various forms of art that surrounds them. Whether it manifests as film, music, dance or visual media, art is more than a display of creativity. Art is an essential aspect of life that goes unappreciated by those exposed to it. Art can be as simple as a doodle in a sketchbook or as complex as graffiti on the side of a building. Regardless of what category the art falls under, every individual benefits from art because it acts as a cultivator for creativity, a remedy for poor wellbeing and a medium for self-expression. By embracing the presence of art, everyone can improve their lives.   

Original thoughts and ideas are stimulated when a person sees or does art. Based on research from fine arts philanthropist Columba Bush, children introduced to art early in life show signs of self-directed learning and heightened critical and creative thinking expertise. For example, a person might see a sculpture or read an innovative piece of literature and gain a sense of enlightenment, compelling the viewer to think about the purpose or meaning of the work. As a result, this contemplation of creativity yields positive emotions and independent ideas that allow for original thought and a deeper understanding of life. Not only is art appealing to the eye, but it provides the world with vibrance, turning a typical life into a colorful journey.

Art is an effective asset that can be used in support of one’s mental state of being. Art helps a person engage the right side of their brain, which allows the brain to function more smoothly by triggering the growth of new neurons. According to Dr. Lawrence Katz, a renowned neuron regeneration researcher, creating art and activating the right side of the brain exercises the brain. Furthermore, art helps people fight against stress, anxiety and many other mental conditions.

Art is a powerful medium for self-expression that allows the creator to convey their thoughts and emotions in the absence of confrontation. Whether an individual makes or views a piece of art, the ability to create and observe artwork in all forms allows a person to better understand themselves. Nothing conveys ideas or feelings better than a work of art; when words fall short of defining emotion, art bridges the gap between imagination and reality. A detailed painting may express joy, a spoken word poem might convey themes of anger or jealousy and a contemporary dance performance can imitate a personal life story. These works elevate the expression of one’s self beyond the boundaries of mere words in a conversation. Exposure to art influences people to ponder upon, develop and share their unique outlooks toward life with others. There are endless opportunities to share a piece of one’s identity with the world when art acts as a vehicle for self-expression.

While art cannot encompass the interests of all, the benefits of embracing art are definite: increased creativity, improved well-being and elevated self-expression. Someone’s distaste for the arts should not limit them from experiencing the redemption of originality. The benefits of art apply to both those skilled in the craft and those who struggle to create their own works; everyone can find their place in art, regardless of skill-level or fine arts knowledge.

More people should embrace art because everyone can benefit from being more creative, having a better wellbeing and expressing themselves. Without art, the world would be a blank canvas, a vast realm drained of color and originality. Luckily, every person on this planet leaves a mark. Even if they do not realize it, they are contributing to the spread of originality influenced by their surroundings. From music blaring through a car stereo to an indie film screening at a cinema festival, the possibilities for integrating art into daily life are endless when art is all over. Taking an extra moment to reflect the purpose or meaning of why a writer chose a certain adjective or why a musician played a certain chord can strengthen everyone’s appreciation of art forms and improve their everyday lives.