Next-Level Learning in a Competitive Atmosphere

Academic Decathlon students at a regional/state competition.

Katrina Machetta, Copy Editor

Every day nine students go to Room 169, learning materials from various subjects to prepare them for the academic Decathlon competitions. They study materials based on a theme for the year through categories that include economics, art, music, marine biology, history, and more. Resources are given to the students to succeed at competitions, which students can win scholarships for their knowledge.

Each student competes in all categories, and every academic decathlon team consists of three “A” students, three “B” students, and three “C” students. Students memorize a vast amount of information to be tested on at competitions, and they also prepare a speech to be presented. 

“We might not be athletes, but we are mental athletes.” Laurie Marek, the academic decathlon sponsor, said. 

Students don’t just learn materials in the class. They incorporate fun ways of learning like competing against each other in activities or having another teacher come in and teach them specific topics that they are studying for the week.

“It is fostering a love of knowledge for these kids of different academic levels. It allows them to feel a sense of encouragement, and it helps me grow closer to these kids.” Marek said.

Intellectual curiosity will be rewarded at decathlon competitions. The class works together as a cohesive team to learn from each other and grow as a person and as a student scholar. Students learn information that gives them knowledge holistically and allows them to explore their strengths and weaknesses academically.

“This organization has enabled me to meet new people, share unique memories, and feel as though I am accomplishing something productive beyond the typical classroom.”  Junior Larson Crank, a decathlon member, said.

Placing at these competitions is a goal that the team strives to achieve through daily preparation and occasional after-school practices.

This past year, Klein Collins took second place at the regional competition, qualified for the state, placed in the top 30 (out of over 140 schools), and won over 40 individual medals at the District, Regional, and State levels. 

Decathlon is a self-paced course where students learn and grow as individuals and as a team. To join the team, prospective students must attend an informational session or contact the sponsor Laurie Marek in Room 169.