In Route To Klein I.S.D.
Students rushing into the Klein Collins bus lot right after the school bell rang.
January 24, 2022
While safe transportation for children is essential today, we tend to forget the people who are tasked with this vital responsibility. Even before sunrise, the Klein Independent School District (KISD) bus drivers are hard at work, making the daily routes to keep every student as safe and comfortable as possible.
“Our bus drivers are the first face that many of our students see each morning and the last one they see at the end of the day,” Klein I.S.D. Transportation Director John Fergerson said. “We quite possibly have the greatest staff of drivers in the nation. They care about the students in ways that most people can’t imagine.”
298 bus drivers in the district are responsible for transporting over 22,000 students to school each day on nearly 240 routes. The drivers arrive at the district bus lot around 5:15 every morning to start on their routes and get the buses ready for the students. In addition, the drivers provide transportation for school sports and extracurricular events. There is a rigorous hiring process for drivers, which includes intensive training, a background check and numerous driving tests.
But to many students, their role is more than just being a driver. Several students spoke about the generosity and thoughtfulness of the drivers, memorizing names and striking conversations with students and simply, making them feel “special.”
“They are a ray of sunshine for students,” sophomore Asmaa Mostafa said. “A big thank you to them for being so amazing. They always keep students safe and happy on the bus.”
Although the rides are just short commutes, students look forward to seeing their friendly bus drivers. Some drivers pass out candy and others play music, trying to make the ride as pleasing and enjoyable as possible for students.
“If I could say one thing to my bus driver, I would have to say thank you so much,” junior Ansley Pertl said. “You are appreciated. These bus drivers make students feel safe and welcome. We care for these bus drivers so much, and this is only a small token of our appreciation.”