High school novel to be performed by Drama Department

Klein Collins Drama has been preparing the production of To Kill a Mockingbird for more than a month.

Sydney Sokora / Legacy Media

Klein Collins Drama has been preparing the production of “To Kill a Mockingbird” for more than a month.

Lights shining, eyes watching from the seats. The school’s theatre department is turning Harper Lee’s “To Kill a Mockingbird” into a show that students will be able to watch. The show will be held on Nov. 5, 7, 9, 13 and 14 in the auditorium.

“When I told the students that we would be doing To Kill a Mockingbird they were just so excited,” Theatre director Robin Welch said. “I’m excited about doing this show because the students enjoy it.”

Lee wrote the story based on her childhood experiences and the book itself is the second best seller to the Bible.

“People will have a preconceived idea of the character you also need to have your own take on the character,” junior William Hahn said. “I had read the story in freshman English and I wanted to show it on the stage.”

Scout being the tom boyish character in the novel was most memorable for her sense of humor and innocence. In the beginning she transitions from an innocent child to a more understanding adult.

“I usually look at people around that age,” senior Zoe Jones said. “It might sound strange but I look at how they walk and how they act. I’ll look into the character.”

The costumes play a major role in any production and set the tone for the show. Scout’s overalls characterize her since she never liked to dress up. And Atticus’s reading glasses represented his serious side.

“People stare at the costumes as much as they do at the show,” senior Savannah Watkins said. “The costumes need to reflect the character and the time period.”

Set in the early 1930’s, racism played a big factor in the story. The play also contains racism, and includes the trial, which is the most notable part in the book.

“Since it’s such an edgy subject matter I feel like people will judge it in the wrong matter,” Jones said. “I hope they see it in the right way.”

Freshman read the book and majority of the actors in the play have read the book during their freshman year.

“I think anybody would enjoy the show,” Welch said “Especially those who have read the novel and anybody who believes in people being treated equally.”