Pumpkin Spice, Festive or obsessive?

Point Counter-Point on whether on Starbucks infamous Pumpkin Spice Latte/

Sophomore Mandy-Uyen Dao holds a Starbuck's Pumpkin Spice Latte.

Sydney Sokora / Legacy Media

Sophomore Mandy-Uyen Dao holds a Starbuck’s Pumpkin Spice Latte.


FALL OBSESSION – Larissa Torres

October is here, which means football games, cooler weather and yes, pumpkin spice everything.

The truth is, pumpkin spice is completely out of control. As a huge fan and even occasional baker of pumpkin pie, it pains me to condemn all things pumpkin spice.
Starbucks’ Pumpkin Spice Latte made its yearly appearance on Sept. 8, but that was only the beginning of this pumpkin plight. Walking into a grocery store nearly warrants the use of sunglasses to tone down the fluorescent orange packaging of everything tainted with this festive flavor.

Pinners flood Pinterest boards with recipes for pumpkin spice everything, pictures of Starbucks cups filled to the brim with pumpkin-flavored sugar cover Instagram and Facebook feeds drip with reviews of unnecessary pumpkin consumables. Coffee is acceptable, but M&Ms, pumpkin flavored Pop-Tarts, Milano cookies and, as disgusting as it sounds, pumpkin spice flavored gum take this too far. The apocalypse is here, folks, and it is riding on a tidal wave of artifical pumpking flavoring.

Pumpkin Spice lovers argue that this flavor helps them get ready for the autumn season. While it may entertain the masses to believe a drink causes changing leaves and warrants an oversized sweater, the truth is Texas weather ranges from slightly bearable heat to full-on surface of the sun hot. The truth is no amount of cinnamon and pumpkin-flavored drinks distract from the excessive heat and humidity outside.

FESTIVE FLAVORS – Karlie Rushing

As the orange, brown and gold leaves begin to fall, the aroma of pumpkin spice fills the fall air. Cuddling up in a fuzzy warm blanket with a festive movie, and a warm pumpkin spice latte is the epitome of a good time during the transition of seasons.

Pumpkin spice anything and everything is the best part of this cold season. The delicious beverage is a perfect blend of sweet spice and seasonal pumpkin. Stores are filling to the brim with pumpkin spice merchandise including candles, coffee, lollipops, yogurt, tea, chapstick, lotion and cakes. These serve as signals that the heat is coming to an end, the cold fall breeze is on the way and the holiday season is just around the corner.

Pumpkin spice is as important as hot cocoa during the winter months, and it is easy to make. All that’s needed is pumpkin pie spice, vanilla extract, milk, espresso, sugar, canned pumpkin and heavy whipping cream. After combing these ingredients, then badabing-badaboom you have a pumpkin spice latte. Or you could just buy one if the cold weather is making you feel lazy.

Of course bitter people exist that do not enjoy this festive beverage and deem it over hyped and overrated. Though that may be true for some, growing popularity of the flavor and increased sales, proves the general public has found joy in pumpkin spice. The critics are just trying to find ways to put a damper on it.

So put on an ugly sweater, tune into ABC Family’s 30 days of Halloween, watch a festive movie and enjoy a hot, pumpkin spice latte.