Cut out line cutting

Students stand in the lunch line while waiting on their turn in line.

Rebeca Chuckran / Legacy Media

Students stand in the lunch line while waiting on their turn in line.

It happens every day, without students even considering the consequences. How many times have students committed this treacherous crime without a second thought? No matter how many times it occurred, it was always OK, because it never happened to those who commit the crime.

But then one day, it did. Someone cut those students in the lunch line.

This situation happens on a daily basis, in any lunch and in any line, and usually with no regard as to how the 50 people in line might feel about this ‘innocent’ act.

Twenty-five minutes, the amount of time that students have to wait in line, order food and eat. Is this enough? Absolutely, but with people constantly jumping in line to get their food, the time is condensed which results in people scarfing down the meal. There are approximately 1100 students in each lunch, so imagine 1100 hungry, stressed out teenagers waiting to eat the food that they patiently waited for. Imagine a teenager’s name is Leslie. She overslept this morning and never had the time eat breakfast. Leslie is starving. She rushes to the lunch line so she can get her food. She patiently waits in line, but David seems to feel that cutting in front of her would be an okay thing to do. Get it together, David.

According to the Huffington Post, a school in North Carolina suspended a student for three days because he cut several people in the lunch line. While the district chooses not go to this extent, the concept of having a punishment for this act should be considered. Calling out someone who skipped others in line with confidence can be hard for many people, and this causes most students to suffer their silent fate. According to an experiment conducted in Minnesota, only 54 percent of people actually say something about the wrongdoing. Even though this may be more than half, it still means that 46 percent of people stay quiet. If this continues, the problem will only continue to grow rampant.

All students have to eat, and all students will get their food at some point during lunch. But the constant cutting in line has resulted in angry and frustrated students. The solution? A simple idea taught way back in elementary school, wait your turn.