Students find Natural Day successful

Fresh-faced. An accurate way to describe the students walking down the halls on Thursday, Feb. 13. In place of thick, black eyeliner and cherry-red lipstick, they walk down the hall with a different sort of glow.

Natural day, a day created to encourage students to let go of insecurities, took place at the school successfully for the third consecutive year.

“Natural day was effective,” freshman Emma Maduta said. “It made people’s self-esteem rise, because each person was not afraid to let their true beauty show, and it was easier to do since everyone else was going to do it as well.”

Senior Sydney Loggins agrees whole-heartedly. As a senior, she had never gone to school without make-up on and wanted to try it. She noted that Natural Day helped girls come out of their shells, showing their natural selves.

“The goal of natural day is to display natural beauty and to show that the things we think are important and the things that people think of us are really not the case at all,” she said.