Track Twins

Twins Katiana and Ariana Pulido practice on the track together after school.

Miranda Lester / Legacy Media

Twins Katiana and Ariana Pulido practice on the track together after school.

Since birth they have shared everything, birthdays, bedrooms, and even the rubber red track.

Sophomore’s twins, Katiana and Ariana Pulido run for the track team with times as fast as 11.9 and 14.00 respectively. A lot of hard work went into those times.

“My sister and I work with a personal trainer,” said Katiana “We hit the gym at least twice a week.”

However, the twins did not always know they were meant to run the red track.

“It all started in the seventh grade” Katiana said. “We ran our first track meet and won first place, that was the moment my dad realized we were fast and that we had a real talent for it.”

The girls plan to use that talent to pave their way to a college career.

“My plan is to work hard and break records,” Ariana said.  “Hopefully it will result in a full ride scholarship to a university.”

The twins plan to attend their dream schools through track. Ariana plans to attend Texas A&M and Katiana has her heart set on Florida State.

“I plan to run track in college,” Katiana said. “But meanwhile I would like to pursue my dream of becoming a pediatrician.”

Ariana plans to major in journalism and communications. Although she plans to run track in college, if that does not workout she has other plans.

“I would love to become a sports journalist,” Ariana said. “Even if I don’t get to run professionally, I would still love to be involved in athletic industry.”

Although they compete against each other, their sister hood is strong.

“When we run against each other, we push each other,” Katiana said. “But whoever wins gets all the love.”

The girls hope to accomplish great things on the track and off, through their hard work, determination, and sisterhood.

“Since we are twins, people know that we are a package deal,” Ariana said. “We will always be there for each other.”