Working for perfection
Junior competes in cosmetology competition
Karley Crawford / Legacy Media
Junior Madisen Pratto recently finished her first year in the cosmetology program.
She carefully styles each and every stand, working for perfection. When she gazes at the final product, she feels accomplished. For her, cosmetology is an art.
Junior Madisen Pratto is one of the many students in training to be a cosmetologist.
“So far in cosmetology, we’ve learned how to style hair, do manicures, pedicures and a little makeup,” Pratto said. “I like to style makeup peoples’ hair because it makes them feel better about themselves.”
Along with all of the other students in cosmetology, Pratto entered the Holiday Fantasy Project, a competition where she could freely create a holiday-inspired hairstyle.
“While most people did Christmas-tree inspired hair, I did candy Land-inspired hair,” Pratto said.
Pratto, who is only in her first year of cosmetology, placed third in the competition among beginning and advanced students.
“Madisen is a very hard worker who’s determined to learn new skills and isn’t afraid to try new things,” cosmetology teacher Darla Sparks said. “This was a difficult category to place in, so I think it was a good confidence booster for her.”
Despite the surprising win, Pratto says she joined the competition to grow as a cosmetology student.
“When my teacher told me that I placed, I was really surprised,” Pratto said. “I wasn’t really in the competition for the win, I was more in it to try to come up with a creative design that no one else has done. The best part of the contest was watching everything come together.”
Although Pratto does not desire to make a career of cosmetology, she continues in the program for the love of hairstyling and seeing herself progress in the class.
“So far the most memorable moment for me was the Holiday Fantasy Project,” Pratto said. “But my favorite part of the whole program is seeing how different everyone perceives things and watching everyone become better.”