Bittersweet endings and new beginnings

Hanna Enkelmann / Legacy Media

Seniors cheer on the Klein Collins Tigers at one of their last games as a high school student.

“I know high school’s almost done, but I don’t think I’ll ever be done playing volleyball with these girls,” senior Brooke Regalado said. “I don’t know what I’m going to do. The fact that it’s all almost over hasn’t kicked in yet, and I don’t know if it ever will.”

Regalado, along with other seniors are struggling with the fact that senior year brings the end to several sports seasons they previously dedicated hours to. As a member of the varsity volleyball team, she feels sad to think that the long hours of practices and high pressure games are almost over.

“It hasn’t kicked in at all,” fellow teammate senior Amy Washburn said. “When I look back on it next week, it’ll feel so weird to think about not having practice.”

Varsity basketball player Katelyn Broadbent says one of the hardest things will be letting go of her teammates.

“It’s devastating,” Broadbent said. “These girls mean so much to me, and knowing that I might not get the chance to play with them again is so sad.”

Senior Ashton Days plays football and says that the end is difficult for everyone. Some of his best memories come from playing on the field and practicing with his teammates. Knowing the end is near brings him a bittersweet feeling.

“I’m ready to move on to another part of my life, but at the same time it’s hard knowing that a lot of the people I’ve met playing football aren’t going to be a part of my life after this,” Days said. “I’ve been an outside linebacker since the eighth grade and it’s been a huge part of my life growing up. All of my friends play football and they have been there for me when I needed them.”

While the satisfaction of watching the team win is an amazing part of the experience, the best memories are made on the field, when the team is putting their heart into the game. Senior and cheerleader Ashley Fountain says that these are the moments she will look back on after graduation.

“Cheerleading throughout high school has been a great experience.” Fountain said. “Once I leave, I probably won’t get to cheer anymore so I’m going to miss being on the field. Every moment is worth it.”