Being in Texas, Homecoming rings with tradition. From mums to dress up days, the first step to Homecoming lies in the initial question: Will you go to Homecoming with me? Freshman Tyler Pratt was not one to take this question lightly, filming the moment when he asked girlfriend and fellow freshman Emma Foreman, and posting it onto the school’s SchoolTube account.
“I asked Emma by getting a moving box and wrote ‘for Emma’ on the top,” Tyler said. ”It had a bunch of balloons inside and on the string of the balloons there was a card that said ‘I have a question.’ I was hiding around the house with a bouquet of roses waiting until she opened the box to ask her.”
With the help of his parents, Tyler successfully surprised the girl he met in biology this year.
“I was totally oblivious to everything,” Emma said. “I wasn’t expecting it at all. I thought he was going to jump out of the box, because when I saw it I was like, ‘alright this is about homecoming, he’s going to jump out at me and I’m going to flip out.’”
Despite the excitement surrounding the ‘big ask,’ to Emma, the importance rests in the dance itself. However, Tyler said he feels otherwise.
“I didn’t want to be like everyone else and just show up in the hallway with flowers, I wanted to make it special,” Tyler said. “Guys should make girls feel special, because they are special. Of course guys need to ask girls in a big way, if the girl is special enough to go to homecoming with they should make the girl feel special.”