Breaking News
The Student News Site of Klein Collins High School

Legacy Press

The Student News Site of Klein Collins High School

Legacy Press

The Student News Site of Klein Collins High School

Legacy Press

Hungry o clock

Hungry o’ clock

Noah Sanchez, Staff Writer
October 29, 2013
Healthy lunch menus dropped from schools nationwide

Healthy lunch menus dropped from schools nationwide

Bridget McGeagh, Sports Editor
October 28, 2013
Sophomores receive their GPA and rankings with juniors.

One year wait for rank

Noah Sanchez, Staff Writer
October 15, 2013
Social media, like Facebook,  Instagram, Vine and Twitter, distracts students from work.

Social media distracts students

Noah Sanchez, Staff Writer
October 7, 2013
Students cheer for the football team during kickoff.

Pack the stands

Megan Parman, Editor-in-Chief
October 7, 2013
Officer T. Burrell patrols Klein Collins to keep students safe.

School security questioned

Isabel Alison, Staff Writer
October 7, 2013 leads to bullying leads to bullying

Sanah Jivani, Opinions Editor
September 30, 2013
Orchestra becomes largest in district

Orchestra becomes largest in district

Noah Sanchez, Staff Writer
September 16, 2013
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